Coordonator gestiune
Reprezentant tehnic comercial agricol zona Maramures-Satu Mare-Salaj
mai 28, 2019
Payroll & HR Consultant
Payroll & HR Consultant in Bucuresti
mai 17, 2019
Arata toate

Tax Consultant in Bucuresti

Tax Consultant in Bucuresti

We`re recruiting a Tax Consultant for our customer,an international advisory group in Bucuresti.

Ideal candidate


Bachelor’s or higher degree in Economics or Finance;
Strong understanding of accounting theory
2-3 years tax experience;
Proficiency with email and Microsoft Office applications.

Main task and responsibilities 


Tax consulting in the field of corporation tax, withholding tax, income tax, local taxes and
other specific requirements from clients
Full fledged tax compliance for various existing and upcoming clients;
Full fledged tax review services for various existing and upcoming clients;
Leverage on existing tax consultancy opportunities for existing compliance and tax review
Internal reports;
Assure correct responsiveness and timely assistance to clients;
Special mandates for consultancy assigned;
Respect and implement the calendar of tasks for the work performed;
Preparation of accurate tax reports and supporting schedules, as required;
Respect the deadline where work is falling behind schedule;
Identify solutions to problems, opportunities or issues raised;
Maintain excellent working relationships with the team;
Providing and interpreting tax information;
Managing the company’s tax reporting, monitoring and payments systems;
Keeping abreast of changes in tax regulations and legislation;
Other projects as assigned from time to time by the Partner;
Maintain an accurate and correct timesheet;
Assure on-going work efficiency by proposing measures to mitigate the unnecessary time spent on
various tax consultancy, compliance, tax review projects

Detalii despre noi

Evolution HCC este o companie de consultanta in resurse umane cu o strategie si viziune foarte bine conturate, pentru care DISCIPLINA, ORGANIZAREA SI PERSEVERENTA stau la baza principiului dupa care ne ghidam in permanenta.

Cu o experienta de 10 ani pe piata din Romania, ne respectam clientii si aducem plus valoare fiecarui proiect in care ne implicam. 

Daca verbul a evolua te reprezinta, opreste-te si aplica pe site-ul nostru deoarece EVOLUTION HCC este solutia pentru cariera ta!

Vino in Echipa noastra pentru a crea lucruri incredibile impreuna! 

Evolution HCC este o companie specializata in servicii de resurse umane complete: Recrutare, Teambuilding, Training, Evaluare, Departament HR extern. Daca esti in cautarea unei noi oportunitati in cariera sau esti la inceput de drum in cautarea unui job, Evolution HCC iti ofera suportul necesar pentru a-ti gasii Jobul potrivit. Asteptam CV-ul tau. Completeaza formularul de mai jos si specifica pentru ce job aplici.

Evolution HCC te conecteaza la jobul potrivit!


Evolution HCC